For health-care professionals

In keeping with our mission to promote safe, efficient, and quality health care, we are committed to engaging our stakeholders – our patients and their families, health providers and others, in order to continue to meet our client needs.
Our labs are accredited to internationally recognized laboratory-specific quality management standards.
We invite health providers to browse the section below and to view applicable policies and other commonly used requisitions.
The goal of our laboratories is to achieve excellence through continual improvement.
In developing processes, we are guided by the various anatomical pathology and clinical laboratory guidelines, peer-reviewed journals and internationally recognized accreditation standards. The lab subscribes to the library of guidelines of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.
Our ability to meet strict quality requirements is demonstrated by four-year ISO 15189 Plus™accreditation certificates and information.
Laboratory professionals
Our laboratory employs certified medical laboratory technologists (MLTs), certified medical laboratory assistants (MLA), clerical professionals and a variety of laboratory scientific and physician specialists. MLTs are regulated through the Newfoundland and Labrador Council for Health Professionals. Learn more about the Medical Laboratory Program.
Provincial Laboratory Formulary (PLF)
We encourage health-care providers to access the Provincial Laboratory Formulary to learn about appropriate testing guidelines and the process to follow if they are unsure about the appropriate laboratory test for their patients.